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Leonardo Da Vinci, The Lady with an Ermine (fresco)
121,00 € iva inclusa
Fresco pictography on lime (fresco). Original work: oil on panel, 1488-1490, Kraków, Czartoryski Museum
The identity of the woman portrayed by Leonardo must certainly be traced back to Cecilia Gallerani, the beautiful and young lover of the Duke of Milan Ludovico il Moro. When he was commissioned to paint the portrait, Leonardo decided to represent the woman with an ermine, perhaps because the name of this animal, translating into Greek as "galé", referred exactly to the surname of the young woman. The ermine was also the animal that symbolized chastity and purity and for this reason it was frequently represented in the arms of noble maidens.
The work is executed through the technique of Pictography, according to the ancient methods and natural materials; is handmade entirely in Umbria.
Leonardo Da Vinci, The Lady with an Ermine (fresco)