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Auguste Renoir, Ball in the City (fresco)
121,00 € iva inclusa
Fresco pictography on lime (fresco). Original work: oil on canvas, 1883, Paris, Musée d'Orsay
The two human figures, represented in life-size, invade the entire canvas with their majesty (the French painter had admired the works of Raphael Sanzio during a trip to Italy), and come together in an elegant and sophisticated dance in the context of a ballroom. Elegance and refinement that emerges in particular from the evening dress (white with shades towards pink and blue) and the Woman's hairstyle. The postures appear rigid and contained, and are distinguished by the spontaneity and liveliness of the movements in the painting "Dance in the Country". The colors appear cooler: the brushstrokes of white, gray, green and blue give the image a greater composure and artificiality.
The work is executed through the technique of Pictography, according to ancient methods and natural materials; it is handmade entirely in Umbria.
Auguste Renoir, Ball in the City (fresco)