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Van Gogh, The Noon (canvas, option 1)
267,00 € iva inclusa
Pictography on canvas and panel with solid wood frame. Original work: oil on canvas, 1889-1890, Paris, Musã©e d'Orsay
The artist creates this painting in the middle of winter during his hospitalization at the psychiatric hospital of Saint Rémy de Provence. A long study and in-depth work accompanied the reinterpretation of Millet's work, testified by the letters that the painter sent to his brother Theo. It is precisely within one of these letters that Van Gogh provides us with the element that, even in the faithful representation, he will use color to make his own work. In this extraordinary tribute, the Dutch artist paints a scene extraordinary: the two peasants, exhausted by hard work, rest on of the sheaves. You can breathe tranquility and peace in the work which, thanks to the quick brushstroke seems to be crossed by a light breeze that Caress the grass and clothes. It is through the chromatic sequence centered on the contrast of complementary blue-violet colors and yellow-orange that Vincent Van Gogh makes completely his own reproduction.
The work is made through the technique of Pictography, according to ancient methods and natural materials; is worked on entirely in Umbria.
Van Gogh, The Noon (canvas, option 1)