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Raphael Sanzio, Madonna of the Oak (fresco)
121,00 € iva inclusa
Fresco pictography on lime (fresco). Original work: oil on panel, c. 1518, Madrid, Prado Museum
Leaning on a classical ruin, St. Joseph looks with an absorbed expression at the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child in her lap. Jesus, in turn who is playing with St. John, receives from him a scroll with the words Ecce Agnus Dei. Jesus seems to understand the significance of that message, pointing it to the mother with a smile, as a sign of acceptance of her destiny. Giovanni, on whom the typical attribute of the fur coat can be observed. hermit, rests one foot on the cradle of rushes full of cushions and soft sheets, with vivid material effects. The figures in this way are they are arranged diagonally rather than in the traditional pyramid. The landscape that surrounds the characters is reminiscent of that of the Tiber, the oak tree behind the main group gives its name at work and separates the figures from the landscape in the background. In the Christian doctrine, symbolizes the tree of life and also means salvation. The cross of Jesus Christ was built with its wood and, at the same time, starting from the Middle Ages, the iconography of the Madonna della Quercia spread.
The work is performed through the technique of Pictography, according to and natural materials: it is handmade in Umbria.
Raphael Sanzio, Madonna of the Oak (fresco)